Being able to stand the test of time is a challenge for most. People are unforgiving, and most of all, not patient. Patience can bring you riches beyond belief, but standing by the test of time can also be a test from God, as God always tests us, in the best of times and in the worst of times. In the end, there can be an indelible bond, that was created because of patience and time.
Will Stand the Test of Time
by Jessica
You make me light up
When I feel like crying
You make me wanna live
When I feel like dying.
You make me wanna walk
When my legs are on crutches,
You make me wanna talk
When my face is covered with smudges.
You make me wanna dance
When my heart just isn't in it
You make my heart sing
Even when I can't mean it.
You make me laugh
When there's nothing to say
You make me jump
When I can't even play.
I'll love you forever
You have my solemn vow
Because whatever we go through
Whether then or now....
I've got your back
And you've got mine
And the bond we have
Will stand the test of time.
You make me light up
When I feel like crying
You make me wanna live
When I feel like dying.
You make me wanna walk
When my legs are on crutches,
You make me wanna talk
When my face is covered with smudges.
You make me wanna dance
When my heart just isn't in it
You make my heart sing
Even when I can't mean it.
You make me laugh
When there's nothing to say
You make me jump
When I can't even play.
I'll love you forever
You have my solemn vow
Because whatever we go through
Whether then or now....
I've got your back
And you've got mine
And the bond we have
Will stand the test of time.